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Highest Earning App Types

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People that are planning on developing apps usually face two questions. Firstly, what need to cater to, and secondly – whether the app in question will be profitable. We are here to help you get on track with the highest earning kinds of apps.


According to Statista, about a quarter of the mobile app market belongs to games. This includes everything from gambling and simple games such as the ones where you can use PA lottery online bonus code, to complex RPGs and battle royals. The mobile game market has been growing so rapidly that old-school gamers are already becoming out of touch while expressing their dissatisfaction with some of the gaming companies making mobile sequels to their favorite titles, as Blizzard did with Diablo.

What’s interesting is that a significant portion of these games is free-to-play. The way they make a profit is by playing ads, providing the users with in-app purchases and sometimes using the dreaded loot box system, where you don’t pay to get what you want, but simply a small chance to get it. These games are often referred to as freemium games.


The next category on the list is business. Business apps are apps that allow you to conduct your business or run a company more efficiently. They include apps focused on messaging and conference, time management, payment calculation and processing, project tracking, and so on.  They usually have a limit for free usage, like having the ability to schedule only a certain number of events in your calendar, or sending your invoice to a small number of companies.


Education apps are high on the list due to the fact that the modern world sometimes doesn’t leave enough room for hyper-involved parenting and there are skills that the learners don’t have access to otherwise. Apps like Drops and Duolingo allow users to learn a new language, for example.  They are great if you can only spare a few minutes a day and don’t have a lot of money, but would still like to learn Italian or Mandarin.


The next app type we will be discussing is the lifestyle apps. Like business, this is a pretty broad category. They are apps designed to make your life easier. Don’t have anything in the fridge? Order some food. No time for the gym? Here are your workouts for the day. Grandma’s sewing machine is taking up space in the garage? List it online. Whenever you want to make an aspect of a person’s life easier to handle or manage, you can be sure that there is an app just around the corner designed for that need.


Music apps allow you to stream and download music. The most popular app of this type currently is Spotify. You can search for songs, artists, albums, tune into a radio station, and share your favorites with your friends. Competition might be stiff, as there are many music apps with similar features.

Matchmaking apps are great for people who are into dating, but are not into bars, clubs, and meeting a friend-of-a-friend. The most popular apps of this type are Tinder, OkCupid, and Bumble. They are user-friendly and facilitate the first contact.

Video streaming apps allow you to watch movies, TV shows, video clips and more. Free ones usually severely limit the content you have access to, except in the cases of copyrighted material that wasn’t supposed to be uploaded in the first place. A good example of these apps would be YouTube and Netflix.